Meet the Founder
Ghesi Stojanov is a Transformational Life Coach with Be the Color.
At the end of 2013, while living in Perth, Australia and a month after her 33rd birthday, Ghesi was diagnosed with triple-positive aggressive breast cancer. Which required her to undergo one year of chemotherapy, six weeks of radiation, and a double mastectomy.
While undergoing treatments in Australia, she discovered her voice and the power she had in her life as her own advocate through the Breast Cancer Process. Which in turn kick-started Ghesi's Career as a Transformational Coach.
The Inspiration behind
Pinkies up for Breast Cancer
A dear college friend and I were diagnosed with breast cancer at the same time. We had different forms of the disease and underwent treatments in different parts of the world. while undergoing treatments I saw a huge gap in care and willingness of doctors tolerance and understanding of complementary/alternative care for her here in the U.S. compared to my experience with my medical team in Australia.
I was motivated to create an event to empower other people in their wellness journey. From prevention and through treatments by marrying both western and Eastern Medicine. Knowledge is power and when given complementary options the way you see your wellness journey changes into something powerful and positive. My wish is to empower people everywhere to know they have options and still have power in what seems to be a powerless circumstance.